If you were asked to mention about actress Renu Desai, you would always address her as the former wife of power star Pawan Kalyan than her other credentials as a model or actress. Her association with Pawan has earned her a lot of repute and following in the Telugu states.
Now, Renu has come up with a big question which goes like this - 'Do US citizens & media go as super crazy & bonkers when our PM visits their country?'
This seems to be in reaction to the overwhelming frenzy being caused by the visit of the US President Barack Obama to India. While Renu's question might be genuine from her perspective, it must be said that if not the PMs before, the current PM of India Narendra Modi has driven the US citizens and media super crazy and bonkers when he visited the American soil.
The biggest reflection of that was obvious when he addressed the crowds at the Madison Square Garden in New York. Of course, Modi cannot be equated on the league of Obama because the US President is the world's number one powerful man and the country is more like a big brother to many other nations across the world. What's your answer to Renu's question?
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