In the name of Vasu Dev Varma, an unknown writer to cine world, rumours have erupted in media that writer BVS Ravi has copied the new guy's script and bounced it to Megastar Chiranjeevi. In the wake of allegations getting deeper as the so-called debut writer shared so many details with a particular media house, star writer Gopi Mohan has responded in style.
It is highly publicised that Vasu Dev Varma has shared the story of "Okka Adugu" movie with writer Gopi Mohan and Gopi has in turn shared the central plot with BVS Ravi. Reacting sharply on the allegations, Gopi Mohan said, "There is no truth in the rumours being circulated that 150th film story is a story written by someone else and I've shared that with BVS Ravi. If anyone feels so, they could approach Writers Association". Even BVS Ravi voiced similar opinion, by supporting what Gopi Mohan has shared.
Anyway, no one knows what BVS Ravi and Puri Jagan have narrated to Megastar, and only Writers Association could solve the issue if any newcomer feels that Ravi and Jagan have grabbed their creative-work, then there are legal ways to settle the dispute rather creating a scene in media, opines a senior writer.
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