A masked protest by two students rattled nerves on the University of Kansas campus Wednesday, prompting one student to say that he thought there was going to be a school shooting.
The two men wore Guy Fawkes masks when they burst into classrooms on the campus. They said they were protesting in the wake of a sexual assault investigation involving a KU fraternity. Kappa Sigma has been suspended during that investigation.
"This is me just trying to do something," one of the protesters said in a video released online. "The rape cannot be tolerated. The rapists must be dealt with and justice must be served."
"I thought the worst," said Stephen Patrick Moore, who said the protest disrupted his afternoon physics class. "I thought maybe it could have been a school shooting."
The professor and a teaching assistant in Moore's class stepped in and escorted the protester out.
He said the protest scared a lot of people because the protests targeted large classrooms.
Campus police took the two students into custody.
"What I take away is, 'How safe am I, just going to class?" Moore said. "I think that is something a lot of people are starting to realize."
Fawkes masks have become commonly used in protests, particularly those against the government and other organizations in power. The masks, which were used in "V for Vendetta" and also during recent protests by Anonymous, represent a man whose group tried to blow up the House of Lords in 1605. Wednesday marked the anniversary of the so-called Gunpowder Plot.
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