petrol price hiked,diesel price hiked,petrol and diesel price hike,petrol and diesel price hiked,petrol and diesel hikes in india,Petrol price hike,Diesel price hike,Fuel price,Fuel price hike

Petrol and diesel prices were raised for the second time in a row on Friday, after two rounds of cuts prior to that. While petrol prices were hiked by 3.13 per litre, diesel prices were raised by Rs 2.71 Per litre, tracking global cues.
The increase in petrol and diesel prices will be effective from Friday/Saturday midnight.
Fuel prices were on last revised on April 30 by Rs 3.96 per litre and diesel by Rs 2.37 a litre, tracking global cues.
Oil companies review global crude prices every fortnight and revise fuel prices accordingly.
petrol price 3.13,diesel price 2.71
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