We had many dashing heroes foraying into production. But now a bubbly heroine is creating sensation by producing back to back films. She is none other than Charmi who sizzled as Jyothi Laxmi.We all know Charmme not only played the lead in the film but is also one of the producers for Jyothi Lakshmi.
According to the reports, she is showing keen interest upon producing films. Now Charmi is going to present the untitled film of Puri-Varun.We heard that Charmi is the co-producer of the film along with seasoned producer C Kalyan.
Not many Telugu heroines have tried their luck at production and those like Jeevitha and Bhumika tasted blows at box office. Charmi is of course playing safe game by investing in small projects.Its glad to see our gorgeous lady going places as producer too! Good luck Charmme.
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