Hyderabad,KCR,land regularization,Telangana

In the name of welfare, Telangana Chief Minister KCR's policies are sometimes really ironical.
For instance, he has taken up the land regularization scheme for the poor according to which poor people who have encroached on government lands up to 125 square yards can now become legal tenants.
The offshoot of this policy is that it has encouraged land grabbing in a huge manner.
Politicians and their henchmen are taking over vast tracts of land and selling it to the poor people with the promise of regularization.
On the other hand is Osmania University whose lands are now being sought by KCR for the purpose of hosing for the poor.
Legal owners of land are being troubled whereas illegal settlers are being given all incentives in the KCR regime. A similar scenario is being witnessed in Andhra Pradesh as well.
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