Sahaja navasana or the easy boat pose is an excellent asana to strengthen your spine and the back muscles. It also helps strengthen your abdominal muscles and the hip flexors. Plus it stimulates the intestines, kidneys, thyroid and prostate glands. Further, this pose also helps improve digestion and relieve stress.
Steps to perform:
Sit straight in sukhasana or the easy pose.
Then keep your legs outstretched and place your hands behind your back against the floor.
Now bend your knees and keep your feet on the floor. Balance your entire body on your pelvic bones. Tilt back a little.
As you inhale, straighten your arms in front of you such that your arms are parallel to the floor. Try to keep your back straight at this position.
Take deep, consecutive breaths as hold the position for as long as you can.
As you exhale, slowly bring your hands down and get back to the starting position.
Complete around 4-5 repetitions of this pose.
If you are a beginner, sit with your back near a wall. You can lean your torso back and rest your head on the wall for added support.
Word of caution:
Avoid this pose if you have insomnia, severe headache or if have suffered severe spinal and neck injury.
Heart patients and asthma patients are also advised to avoid this pose.
Also, avoid getting into the easy boat pose during pregnancy or in the first two days of your menstrual cycle.
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