Hyderabad: Of the 33,000 acres surrendered by farmers under land pooling for the capital, 25 per cent developed plots would be given back to them. Of the remaining 75 per cent, as much as 50 per cent would be for roads and other infrastructure. The remaining 25 per cent would be for companies to take up development works.
Stating that the Singapore government had submitted the capital region master plan, Chief Minister N. Chandrababu Naidu said another master plan for the capital area, covering the 210-km Outer Ring Road and erstwhile VGTMUDA area would be prepared by May 15. He added that the most important core capital city plan was expected to be ready, in June.
“We want to lay the foundation stone for the capital after the core capital or seed capital master plan for the 33,000-acre land pooled from farmers is ready. I want to complete the first phase of the capital before elections in 2019. I have a big responsibility to ensure that the developed plots to be given to back to farmers should have more value than expected. For this purpose, the master developer is crucial and attracting international companies to invest in infrastructure development in the city is essential,” Mr Naidu said.
Stating that the population as on date in the capital area was 5.8 million, the CM said it was projected to increase up to 11 million by 2030 and to 20 million by 2050 and world class facilities were needed to be put in place with good connectivity by road, rail, air and water to the capital from all parts of the state and also neighbouring states.
Radial roads, outer ring roads, at least five bridges across the Krishna River, expressways, exclusive freight corridors, connectivity to ports with the hinterland and inland waterways, to name a few, have been planned in and around the capital.
Singapore's Second Minister for Trade & Industry S. Israwan and I discuss Phase 1 of the capital city master plan.
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